Walking Girl

Look out world, Macy is walking! She is still getting the hang of it, but the girl can now take off across the room. She’s been walking for about a week, but this is the first time that we got it on video. Her parents get so excited when she does it that she usually sits down because she is startled by all of the commotion. We are VERY proud of her. Too darn cute.

Cathye’s 60th: Beach

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Probably the most fun part of the trip was unleashing Macy Miller on the beach. She LOVED everything about it. Walking in the surf, checking out the birds, playing in the seaweed. We would set her down on the sand, and she would charge into the water like a newborn sea turtle. She was right at home and didn’t let things like sand or saltwater to the face slow her down.

Cathye’s 60th: Fishing

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I am WAY behind in blog posts so rather then try to tackle the daunting pile all at once I have decided to break it down into smaller bites. We had a wonderful, week-long trip to Port Aransas for Cathye’s 60th birthdays. One of the best parts of the trip was all of the fresh fish that we ate. We know it was fresh because we caught it ourselves! Of course, the all girls trip caught the most fish… (Abbi, Cathye, Linda, & Laura), and like always, Abbi outfished her husband and caught the MUCH bigger fish. Some things never change!

French Door Fun

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Macy Michael is a crawling dynamo. She has no desire to play or interact with her parents—only to walk around all of the living room furniture and take off crawling all over the house. One of her favorite things to do is to crawl over to the French doors, pull herself up, and then try to chew them up with her two little teeth. Fortunately for the rest of the world, we were able to capture the beauty on film.

Dinner @ The Phillips’

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Despite Macy’s reaction to a close-up view of Uncle Johnny, we had a great time going to the Phillips’ house on our Tampa trip. (That picture is just too good not to be the headliner!) Macy got to do one of her favorite activities—swimming! She had a blast in her new float from Grandma. She then entertained the crowd with some classical piano. It was all so exhausting so she had “delicately retire” to Flipper’s lap for the night. Thanks, Aunt Carol & Uncle Johnny!

Hanging with Gpa


One of the highlights of our trip was taking Macy to meet Grandpa. It was an incredibly special moment for me. We said hi, sang him songs, and did some clapping. It was hot & muggy, and it took us a while to find him, but Macy was a trooper and really rallied for him as you can see. See you again soon, Gpa!

Tampa Trip

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Long overdue pictures from our wonderful trip to Tampa. It was a nice, long stay, and Macy really got to spend quality time with everybody. She got all kinds of new toys, had her first rib bone, and got to do lots of snuggling with Grandma. Thanks, Flipper & Pops!

Hollywood: Ranch Dog

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We got another update from the Cruise family with the latest on our buddy, Hollywood. Jack said that he really came out of his shell and became an official “ranch dog” sleeping in the barn and chasing horses with the other big dogs. We couldn’t be happier to see it!

Bunch O’ Babies

On Saturday, the Miller family went to our buddy, Hunt’s, 1st birthday party (the red sailor). We had a great time and managed to line up all the rugrats into one super cute group picture.

It is worth noting that Hunt is pictured here with all of the guests of his part—six girls. Happy Birthday to Hunt!

It Has Begun

Mobility has begun! Macy is a strong little thing and all of her facedown, grunting training she has done on the couch finally paid off. She can officially get to where she wants to go. It’s not pretty and it’s not quick—but she gets there. We are opening a big ol’ can of worms with this one!